Shader Series – Screen Space Reflections
Screen Space Reflections are used in every engine these days. Games from The Witcher 3 to Fortnite all employ this effect, so it was natural that I wanted it in Vertices. While I came across a…
Mesh Generation in Metric Racer
Streamlining our Content Generation for Track meshes and World Items.
Shader Series – Camera Motion Blur
Once I had the core mechanic of Metric Racer down, I tried a number of ways to increase perceived speed to make it seem that the player was moving faster than they actually were in the…
Shader Series – Emissive Materials
Selective Bloom, Emissive Glow, Fake HDR, there’s a number of ways to call this, but with Metric Racer being a scifi racing game, there was a need to make it look, well, scifi-ish. What that meant…
Sharing Screenshots to Social Media in C# and Xamarin
A single class solution to a common stack overflow question; How to share info (in this case a screenshot) to social media platform on your phone.
Handling Mobile Ads in C# and Xamarin
Recently I put out two games, The Chaotic Workshop and Pew Zoom Boom, which both have with a free ad supported version. There’s lots of support and examples for native code, but to get them working…